Ecosource Canada inc.

6 December 2017

Respect the planet, reduce your electricity consumption

What is D.E.L lighting? (Light emitting diode). This is the first step to reduce your consumption The lights at D.E.L. or L.E.D. in English were invented […]
23 November 2017

Infrared radiant heating : panel, mirror…

Do you want to save on your heating bill? Use infrared radiant heating. You want a pleasant, ecological, innovative and fast heating that brings you well-being? […]
16 May 2017

Welcome to the Reseau ConstruNet & Paul-Émile Lizée

It is with great pleasure that the Ecosource Canada Inc team welcomes Mr. Paul-Emile Lizee, president founder of Reseau ConstruNet as a distributor /partner. He took […]
16 February 2017

Innovation in energy efficient product solution

We always come with new product in green energy that translates into concrete actions which Ecosource Canada encourages also promotes respect, create and maintain a climate […]